Tag Archives: acupuncturist

Fibromyalgia – BBC Morning Live feature

Dr Punam on BBC Morning Live recommends Acupuncture as part of the strategy for Fibromyalgia symptoms

Here are the links to the original show: BBC Morning Live Series 6: 13/06/2024 (from 20 to 28 minutes, approximately). Link to the specific 8-minute segment: BBC One – Morning Live, What is fibromyalgia syndrome?

Understanding Fibromyalgia: Unravelling the Mystery

Recently, on Morning Live (BBC), Dr Punam shed light on fibromyalgia—a chronic condition that affects countless lives. The show’s presenters emphasized its prevalence, with viewers flooding their social media channels to share their experiences. Among the poignant messages were:

Amanda – “Professionals have told me it’s in my head or it’s not a real illness!  I lost my job I loved.  I almost lost my home”

Linda – “No-one believes how much pain you can be in.  it can make you feel down and useless sometimes”

Sharon – “It is an awful condition in constant pain but because it’s invisible most people don’t understand”

What is Fibromyalgia?

Chronic Pain

Dr. Punam explained that fibromyalgia manifests in various ways: widespread pain, extreme fatigue, and cognitive challenges (commonly referred to as “fibro fog”). Despite affecting approximately one in 20 people, the condition remains enigmatic.

The underlying mechanism involves altered pain processing in the spinal cord and brain. These individuals have elevated levels of certain pain-signalling chemicals, rendering them hypersensitive to pain.  Dr Punam said “I have patients regularly they’re dealing with shooting pains feeling electric shocks […] you can really imagine having to live with that every day”

Fibromyalgia can run in families and most commonly impacts people between the ages 25 and 55, but cases have even been seen in children. Triggers include trauma (like car accidents), major life events (such as bereavement), post-viral illnesses, and even childbirth. Yet, we lack a comprehensive understanding of why it occurs.

The Stigma and Struggle

Sadly, fibromyalgia sufferers face stigma due to widespread ignorance. Many feel unheard, their symptoms dismissed. As a GP, Dr Punam shared that she empathised deeply because her own mother has battled fibromyalgia for decades, and she spoke of her mother’s transformation from an active woman to one crippled by fatigue and pain. Doctors had dismissed her when tests came back clear, with one claiming “it’s all in your head.”

“When you have instances like this, the person that’s affected will feel like they are unsupported, it increases isolation, it can even lead to depression”  Dr Punam says, “I think it adds to the general lack of empathy we have in society towards invisible conditions, not just fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune conditions.”  Progress is being made, but there’s still a long road ahead, she reflects.

The symptoms disrupt lives—people who once held jobs, managed households, and cared for children now feel like shadows of themselves. Diagnosis remains challenging; it’s exclusionary, relying on detailed history, clinical exams, and negative test results.

Understanding Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Familiarising ourselves with fibromyalgia symptoms is crucial. Here’s a concise list:

  • Pain sensitivity
  • Muscle Stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • “Fiibro-Fog”
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Pain Sensitivity and Muscle Stiffness:

Fibromyalgia isn’t localized pain; it can affect any part of the body: Individuals become hypersensitive to even the lightest touch.


This is not a generalised tiredness, it’s a depletion of energy and extreme fatigue. “This is like waking up after hours of sleep and still feeling exhausted” says Dr Punam, and overexertion exacerbates the draining effect.


  1. This cognitive challenge affects memory and concentration.
  2. In the workplace, lack of support can make it particularly difficult.

Gut Issues:

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is common in fibromyalgia.

In addition to the above, restless leg syndrome and headaches may also occur.

Managing Fibromyalgia: Strategies and Support

According to Dr Punam, while there’s no cure, several approaches can alleviate symptoms and flare-ups:

  1. Heat:
    • Heat helps with stiff joints.
    • Try warm baths, hot water bottles, or soaking hands and feet in warm water.
  2. Pain Relief:
    • Painkillers, both over-the-counter and prescription, can provide relief.
  3. Exercise:
    • Proceed with caution; work within your abilities.
    • Exercise benefits mood, releases endorphins, and improves symptoms.
    • Consult your GP for a referral to specialised exercise guidance.
  4. Talking Therapies:
    • Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) helps manage thought processes.
    • Address issues arising from flare-ups.
  5. Complementary and Integrated Approaches:
    • Acupuncture has shown promise.
    • Yoga and Tai Chi can be beneficial.
  6. Individualized Management:
    • What works varies from person to person.
    • Support from healthcare professionals, family, friends, and colleagues is essential.
  7. Antidepressants:
    • Beyond mood improvement, certain types can manage pain and enhance sleep quality.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Seek support and tailor your management plan to your unique needs.

Acupuncture with Shaftesbury Clinic

Adding to the above, where Dr Punam mentioned studies for acupuncture, we have a dedicated page for information and research: Shaftesburyclinic.com Fibromyalgia: Condition Resources which may be of interest. 

Acupuncture can be a part of your approach to coping with the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and it is always good to have an overall approach that takes into account your individual needs and symptoms.  You should always go in the first instance to your GP or pain consultant, but we are very happy to liaise with them about your care, and we often receive referrals from medical colleagues for chronic pain.

Also good to note, is that the NHS advisory panel, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence), have recommended acupuncture for chronic pain, as per our blog about this subject here: Shaftesburyclinic.com: acupuncture and chronic primary pain – the new nice draft guidelines  




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Darren Haines

An interview with Darren Haines, Acupuncturist at Shaftesbury Clinic

Acupuncturist Darren Haines joined the team at Shaftesbury Clinic in March 2022.   Helen caught up with him to find out more about his journey into acupuncture, what he does in his everyday practise, and what inspires him in his work.

Fact File:

  • ☼ Darren qualified in from The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa, with a Licentiate in Acupuncture (Lic.Ac.) after 3 years’ degree-level training
  • ☼ As a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), Darren adheres to the BAcC Codes of Safe Practice and Professional Conduct
  • ☼  Darren has full public liability insurance and professional indemnity cover, and is licensed by Bedford Borough Council to work as an acupuncturist at Shaftesbury Clinic
  • ☼  BAcC members are also registered with the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) a government body which regulates the regulatory and registration bodies of health and social care providers and is accountable to parliament

Helen:  What was your work before acupuncture?

Darren:  I worked in PR for over 20 years, with leading High Street retailers and Sports brands, at a high level, but over the years I found that the sector had changed, and it was different to the industry I started out in at the beginning of my career.  At that stage, I began to feel like I wanted to make a move into a more fulfilling role, in a career that could be more rewarding. 

At around this time, I had an experience where acupuncture made a real difference to the outcome of a life-changing event; seeing the difference for a family member from treatment with Philip Rose-Neil, here at Shaftesbury Clinic proved to be a strong inspiration.  I then also came to see Phil myself as a patient, and speaking with him about the theories and mechanisms behind acupuncture, my interest in acupuncture as a career was piqued, and I looked into training in this field. 

Helen:  What attracted you about acupuncture as a career?

Darren:  It was seeing the difference acupuncture could make in people’s lives; I realised that I wanted to be able to do this for others.  I was also attracted by this being a holistic approach to health, and that as an acupuncturist, I would be looking to find the root cause of the patient’s presenting complaint, and to make a difference to their long-term health, rather than just a “sticking plaster” approach of short-term, or localised symptomatic benefit.

Now that I am working in this field, it is enjoyable work, and is rewarding to be able to help people back to better heath.  It can give you a buzz when you are part of seeing those changes and outcomes for patients.

Helen:  What does training in acupuncture entail?

Darren:  It is a three-year, degree-level course, and in order to be a member of the British Acupuncture Council, it must be BAAB (British Acupuncture Accreditation Board) accredited and entail at least 3,600 hours’ training.  My professional Licentiate training at The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa (BAAB accredited) was centred on the traditional Five Element model of Chinese medicine theory, together with anatomy, physiology, with particular emphasis on surface anatomy for point location.

There were modules on Western Medical view of the body’s organs and systems so that we can spot red flag symptoms, and refer and treat appropriately.  From a practical perspective, there was needle technique, point selection, and practical work in clinic.  At least 400 hours are in the clinical setting, including treatment observations; of which 200 hours’ direct clinical work with our own patients.     

I treated my pre-qualification supervised patients and my clinical assessments here at the clinic, under the mentorship and supervision of Philip Rose-Neil; having carried out my observations in his clinic.  I was good to have such an experienced mentor as a sounding board, and to continue to be part of the same team [Phil has been at Shaftesbury Clinic over 11 years].

Helen:  What is a typical day like for you in clinic?

Darren:  As an acupuncturist you train as a generalist, which means I could be seeing patients from for many different presenting reasons.  Patients very often access acupuncture for painful conditions such as back pain or migraine, but it can also be for chronic conditions such as eczema, sinusitis, and even seasonally for hay fever.  Acupuncture is also known to support general wellbeing, relaxation and balance, and for these reasons people will also access it for stress, anxiety and related issues in their busy lives.

Needles are used to stimulate acupuncture points, which are chosen in relation to the presenting issues for each patient.  I may also use Moxibustion (an acupuncture technique used to gently heat acupoints), Cupping, or Gua Sha, which are all acupuncture techniques used for specific situations, such as muscular and stagnation issues.  The treatment plan is tailored to each patient.

As an acupuncturist, I see people from all walks of life, and approaches each patient as an individual, considering all aspects of their health and context within the treatment model, so no two days are the same. 

Helen:  Do you have any special interests within acupuncture practise, or patient groups that you work with specifically?

Darren:  Having recently qualified, I have some areas where I have professional interests where I am planning to attend further training courses.  Of these, I have a continued interest in sport from my previous work in PR, and am attending a Musculoskeletal acupuncture training course in November, which will give in-depth experience in MSK issues and their treatment, including sports injuries.  I have an interest in acupuncture for fertility and pregnancy, and am looking to train further in this in the Spring, alongside Facial Acupuncture later next year.

Helen:  What are your interests outside of acupuncture?

Darren: I really like watching sport, particularly to watch it live; this was a part of my previous work that I enjoyed a great deal.  I love to go cycling, which is something I’ve been able to get back into recently, after a hiatus when I spent a lot of time of travelling to college (Leamington Spa), studying at home, and getting my clinical hours in.  I will cycle anywhere, the roads in Bedfordshire a pretty good for it, and it is quite helpful that it’s not too hilly!

At home, I love to cook, I will make all sorts of different things, and again after qualifying from college, it is great to be able to find the time to do this again.

Having previously lived in London for work, and moved this way for quality of life, I do like to be able to go back into London for leisure.

Helen:  How can prospective patient find out more about acupuncture, and book in with you?

Darren:  The clinic offers a free 15 minute call back from one of us acupuncturists, to help a you find out about acupuncture, and whether it could be suitable and helpful for your needs.  This gives a realistic appraisal of what we can offer, so you can decide whether this is the approach for you.  I’m available for bookings on Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm to 8pm, and Fridays 9:30am to 6pm.  You can call the secretaries on 01234 511522, or book online via our website. 

My colleague Louise England works on Tuesdays; Gillie Salter on Mondays; and Philip Rose-Neil Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  We are always really happy to chat about what we do

Helen:  Thank you for talking to me about your work today, Darren!
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An interview with Gillie Salter, Acupuncturist at Shaftesbury Clinic

Gillie Salter joined the team at Shaftesbury Clinic in March 2022.   Helen caught up with her for a chat to find out what brought her to acupuncture; the types of clients she works with; and what inspires her in her work…

Fact File:

    • ☼  Gillie graduated from the Acupuncture Academy (Leamington Spa) in December 2020 after 3 years’ degree level training, with a distinction in the Professional Licentiate in Acupuncture
    • ☼  She is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), the UK’s leading Regulatory Body for traditional acupuncture, and the largest, with over 2,500 members.
    • ☼  BAcC members must have at least 3,600 hours’ degree-level training; 400 or more of which in a clinical setting
    • ☼  The BACC is regulated by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), which is accountable to the UK Parliament

Helen:  What was your work background before acupuncture?

Gillie:  My background is in nursing, having worked as a district nurse, where I really enjoyed the work, in particular meeting and looking after people from all different backgrounds.  Later on, I studied further, gaining a Masters degree in Medical Anthropology.

Helen:  For people who haven’t come cross it before, can you tell us a bit more about medical anthropology?

Gillie:  Anthropology in general looks at what makes us human, how people live, and is a holistic approach, with medical anthropology specifically looking at how the practise of medicine, and health and wellbeing are understood and approached in different cultures and settings. For my dissertation, I used Ethnography, which is a systematic way to study cultural phenomena, within an elderly day care setting.

Acupuncture Pulse Taking

Helen:  What led you from nursing and medical anthropology, toward acupuncture?

GIllie:  After having my two children, the logistics of going back into nursing just weren’t practical, so I took on other roles including as a teaching assistant, and volunteer work, before combining my experience and interest to study acupuncture.  I had looked into acupuncture and became certain that it was for me, after attending an open day at the TAA college in Leamington Spa, which inspired and impressed me.

Helen:  What do you value about acupuncture that sets it apart from other approaches?

Gillie:  It is the cultural aspect of the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) approach that appeals to me, looking at the whole person within the treatment approach, in contrast to the Biomedicine (Western, allopathic) approach which works from viewing the mind and the body as being separate from each other.

Helen:  Do you have any special interests within acupuncture practise, or patient groups that you work with specifically?

Gillie:  I enjoy all aspects of the variety that comes my way, as acupuncture can contribute so much to many different people, for their concerns and conditions.  I treat all ages, including children.

Acupuncture needle in situHelen:  How can someone interested in acupuncture find out more, and book in with you?

Gillie:  Myself, and the other acupuncturists at Shaftesbury Clinic, offer a free 15 minute phone call, video chat or in-person consultation for a prospective patient to speak to one of us, and ask any questions they have about acupuncture.

This way, they can be given the information they need, and a realistic appraisal of what we can offer, so they can decide whether this is the approach for them.

There are a few ways to book:  There’s a link here on the website to book in for a 15 minute chat, or for a treatment; alternatively they could ring the clinic direct to book on 01234 511522; or send the clinic an email, or contact form from the website.

Helen: Finally, when are you available to see patients in Bedford, Gillie?

Gillie:  I work Mondays at Shaftesbury Clinic (based at Bedford Consulting Rooms).  My colleague Phil Rose-Neil works Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Louise England on Tuesdays, and Darren Haines on Wednesday evenings and Fridays.

Helen:  Thank you for talking to me about your work today, Gillie!

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Shaftesbury Clinic Star of Conditions

Cancer Care – Condition Resources

Important to know: Chronic health conditions should be addressed under direct medical supervision of your GP or consultant, and acupuncture would be an adjunct or complement to usual care.

Acupuncture is often used alongside the conventional medical care as an adjunct for wellbeing and symptomatic issues, where appropriate. In many settings, oncology caregivers arrange or recommend complementary approaches to support patients overall wellbeing alongside their care. The role of this, in partnership with the GP, consultant and caregivers is to complement the conventional treatments in a supportive role.

Acupuncture and complementary therapies are there to support the patient with their symptoms, whilst they go through the medical treatments under their oncology consultant. Many hospitals, cancer units and support services recognise a supportive role for integrative approaches alongside medical and surgical treatments.

Let your consultant and medical team know if you are considering acupuncture to help with side effects and symptoms, so that they can be fully involved the whole way.

Cancer Research UK has information on their own website about acupuncture and its potential use in supporting oncology patients with chemotherapy induced nausea, where they recommend using a British Acupuncture Council Member; Macmillan Cancer Support also has its own dedicated page on acupuncture (links to both are in Resources section below). Acupuncture’s role here is focussed on symptomatic issues and side effects of the conventional oncology treatment.

Interpreting the research:

When reading health research, it is important to know that Systematic Reviews or Meta Analyses of a large number of high-quality research studies are the very best way to be able to say to what extent a given treatment can address a condition, symptom, or set of symptoms.  The next best level of evidence is the individual Randomised Controlled Study (RCT) which uses a systematic technique to compare two or more groups of patients receiving different treatments (or a treatment against a “control”, or no treatment).  In acupuncture trials, the nature of the control group is of particular interest as it is hard to blind a patient to whether they are having a needle inserted or not, and even more challenging to blind the researcher/team to this.

The means and quality of how research is carried out varies considerably from country to country, and in terms of how an intervention is compared to another intervention (or a control).  Of note is the fact that “sham” acupuncture (where needles are placed in apparently inert locations rather than traditional acupuncture points) is not really an inert process as it has physiological effects, so that comparing sham and “true acupuncture” may therefore not give a clear picture alone; but and form a part of a research body where acupuncture versus no treatment, vs conventional treatment or vs a different approach/modality also form part of the evidence base.

The n= figure (where quoted in research) tells you how many people were participants in the study, and usually the larger a study (when it is of good quality and design), the more likely it is to be reliable and applicable to larger populations. When (statistical) “significance” is discussed in view of studies it has a very particular meaning – it is the confidence in the data (using statistical tests) that tells us how likely a result could have just come about by chance. The lower the possibility of a chance result, the more likely it is due to the intervention in the experiment. When you are reading a trial/study, the “p” is the number telling us of significance, and this must be under 5% (or p less than 0.05) to mean we can say it is a (statistically) “significant” result.

The Research:

As per systematic reviews of the research (Garcia et al, 2013, 41 RCT studies), acupuncture is commonly employed used in this field, aiming to support the patient alongside their conventional treatment and in line with the oncology team, and has been researched as far as symptoms such as fatigue, pain, hot flushes, emotional issues, chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (Zhang et al, 2014); radiation-induced xerostomia; and weakness, are concerned, these symptoms may be being caused by the disease itself, or the treatment being received. The evidence is positive for nausea prevention in acupuncture, but Garcia et al (2013) were not able to draw such compelling conclusions for the other symptoms, warranting further research.

A Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Höxtermann & al, 2022) shows that acupuncture is safe to use for oncology patients as an adjunct to routine treatment.

Per Rademacher, (2021). “Acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine, has been accepted into the arena of integrative oncology therapies used to ease symptom burden throughout oncology care. Research supports the safe use of acupuncture for disease and treatment-related symptoms including pain, fatigue, depression, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, and nausea/vomiting. The body of knowledge in oncology acupuncture is significant; yet, additional evidence is warranted. Specific acupuncture research in hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients is necessary to address the unique experiences of this population.”

Ben-Ayre et al (2023: n=99) conducted a randomised controlled trial that examined the impact of integrative therapies on pain and anxiety among patients undergoing gynaecological oncology (cancer) surgery; addition of intraoperative acupuncture significantly reduced severe pain, compared with the control group and the group that received preoperative touch/relaxation only.  The combination of preoperative touch/relaxation and intraoperative acupuncture also improved the patients’ scores in the Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing (MYCAW) questionnaire. Elsewhere, Mao et al (2023; n=298) compared massage with acupuncture for musculoskeletal pain symptoms in patients with advanced cancer, with both groups receiving the intervention for 10 weeks, with monthly boosters for up to 26 weeks. Improvements were seen in pain and insomnia symptoms in both groups, along with improved quality of life and decreased medication use. The researchers recommended these non-pharmacological therapies alongside conventional treatments.

Per Walker et al’s, (2010; n=50) RCT entailing 12 weeks of either acupuncture or venlafaxine for hot flushes symptoms following breast cancer treatment, they concluded that “[acupuncture] is a safe, effective and durable treatment for vasomotor symptoms secondary to long-term antiestrogen hormone use in patients with breast cancer.” Patients had less frequency of hot flushes with acupuncture treatment, up to a year after treatment. De Valois et al (2022; n=415) reported the real-world clinical outcomes of a long-term service which offered breast cancer survivors auricular (ear, NADA protocol) acupuncture for hot flush symptoms. Entailing 415 patient referrals and over 2285 treatments over 15 years, and it was found that this protocol was safe and effective for women experiencing post-cancer treatment hot flushes, who did not want to use pharmacological means to control their symptoms (de Valois et al, 2022).

Acupuncture was investigated in an RCT by Pfister et al (2010; n=58), in an RCT where the outcome measures of pain and xerostomia (dry mouth symptom) following either acupuncture or control for oncology patients with a history of neck dissection (due to surgery for cancers such as thyroid or upper aerodigestive oncological issues. Acupuncture (4x weekly Rx) was found to improve their xerostomia symptoms, as well as the post-neck dissection pain, better than usual treatment control. Participants having acupuncture also required less painkilling medication. Overall, significant improvements were seen in pain, dysfunction, and xerostomia in the acupuncture group, versus usual care this “support[s] the potential role of acupuncture in addressing post–neck dissection pain and dysfunction, as well as xerostomia” (Pfister et al, 2010).

Zhang et al’s (2018), systematic review (n=1327) and meta-analysis found that acupuncture “had a marked effect on fatigue in cancer patients”, improving this side effect / symptom of CRF (cancer related fatigue). Side effects were minimal, and it was suitable to use as an adjunct to the medical treatment.

Mao et al (2022) and the ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) board produced the Integrative Medicine for Pain Management in Oncology: Society for Integrative Oncology–ASCO Guideline, aiming to provide evidence-based recommendations to doctors and health care providers on integrative approaches to managing pain in patients with cancer. After review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses from 1990-2021 (227 studies), they recommended acupuncture for aromatase inhibitor–related joint pain, and acupuncture, reflexology or acupressure for general cancer pain or MSK pain.

Shih et al (2023) carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving chemotherapy-induced bone marrow suppression due to chemotherapy.  Looking at 25 RCT’s (n=1713), they examined outcome measures of G-CSF (a type of protein that helps the body make more blood cells, particularly white blood cells); of white and red blood cell counts, neutrophils and natural killer cells counts.  The results showed that acupuncture significantly increased the levels of G-CSF, WBC, RBC, NEU, ANC, Hb, PLT, and NK cells compared with control groups. The levels of PLT and NK cells also increased cumulatively over time.  They suggested a role alongside conventional medicine for acupuncture in this area.


British Acupuncture Council evidence based factsheet about Cancer Care including specific research, trials and mechanisms of action for acupuncture in this condition.

Cancer Research UK (2021): Acupuncture

Macmillan Cancer Care (2021): Acupuncture


Ben‐Arye, E., Segev, Y., Galil, G., Marom, I., Gressel, O., Stein, N., Hirsh, I., Samuels, N., Schmidt, M., Schiff, E. and Lurie, I., 2023. Acupuncture during gynecological oncology surgery: A randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of integrative therapies on perioperative pain and anxiety. Cancer129(6), pp.908-919.

de Valois, B., Young, T., Thorpe, P., Degun, T. and Corbishley, K., 2022. Acupuncture in the real world: evaluating a 15-year NADA auricular acupuncture service for breast cancer survivors experiencing hot flushes and night sweats as a consequence of adjuvant hormonal therapies. Supportive Care in Cancer30(6), pp.5063-5074.

Garcia, M.K., McQuade, J., Haddad, R., Patel, S., Lee, R., Yang, P., Palmer, J.L. and Cohen, L., 2013. Systematic review of acupuncture in cancer care: a synthesis of the evidence. Journal of Clinical Oncology31(7), p.952.

Höxtermann & al, 2022. Cancer Volume 128, Issue 11 p. 2159-2173

Mao, J.J., Liou, K., Romero, S.A., Baser, R.E., Wong, G., Xiao, H., Deng, G., Mo, Z., Walker, D., MacLeod, J.E. and Li, Q.S., 2023. Acupuncture versus massage for pain in patients living with advanced cancer: The IMPACT randomized clinical trial.

Mao, J.J., Ismaila, N., Bao, T., Barton, D., Ben-Arye, E., Garland, E.L., Greenlee, H., Leblanc, T., Lee, R.T., Lopez, A.M. and Loprinzi, C., 2022. Integrative medicine for pain management in oncology: society for integrative oncology–ASCO guideline. Journal of Clinical Oncology40(34), pp.3998-4024.

Pfister, D.G., Cassileth, B.R., Deng, G.E., Yeung, K.S., Lee, J.S., Garrity, D., Cronin, A., Lee, N., Kraus, D., Shaha, A.R. and Shah, J., 2010. Acupuncture for pain and dysfunction after neck dissection: results of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology28(15), p.2565.

Rademacher, A., 2021. Complementary Medicine: Acupuncture. In Blood and Marrow Transplant Handbook (pp. 747-757). Springer, Cham.

Shih, Y.W., Wang, M.H., Monsen, K.A., Chang, C.W., Rias, Y.A. and Tsai, H.T., 2023. Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Relieving Chemotherapy-Induced Bone Marrow Suppression: A Systematic Review with a Meta-analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine.

Walker, E.M., Rodriguez, A.I., Kohn, B., Ball, R.M., Pegg, J., Pocock, J.R., Nunez, R., Peterson, E., Jakary, S. and Levine, R.A., 2010. Acupuncture versus venlafaxine for the management of vasomotor symptoms in patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol28(4), pp.634-640.

Zhang, X., Jin, H.F., Fan, Y.H., Lu, B., Meng, L.N. and Chen, J.D., 2014. Effects and mechanisms of transcutaneous electroacupuncture on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2014.

Zhang, Y., Lin, L., Li, H., Hu, Y. and Tian, L., 2018. Effects of acupuncture on cancer-related fatigue: a meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer26, pp.415-425.

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