2024-09-27 Migraine

Migraine – BBC Morning Live feature

Dr Kiran, on BBC Morning Live recommends Acupuncture as part of the strategy for migraine

Here are the links to the original show: BBC Morning Live Series 6: 27/09/2024 (from 40 to 48 minutes, approximately). Dr Kiran recommends acupuncture at minute 48 – right at the end!

Read on to find out more about migraine, including how many people suffer with it in the UK; who migraine affects; the stages and symptoms; and the triggers and treatments of this debilitating condition.

At the end of the blog are some resources to find out more about the research on acupuncture use for migraine.

    Understanding Migraine: Unravelling the Mystery

    On Friday 27th September, 2024, on Morning Live (BBC), the discussion, led by Dr. Kiran Morjaria, highlighted the significant impact migraines have on individuals and society, including 3 million work absences annually due to this debilitating condition. One of the show’s presenters, Michelle, and Dr Kiran both spoke of their own experience as sufferers, and it was revealed that migraine that affects approximately 1 in 7 people.

    brain and nerve

    What is Migraine?

    Dr. Kiran explained that migraine is a complex neurological condition.

    Migraines are caused by “neurogenic inflammation in the first division of trigeminal sensory neurons”, and Dr Kiran acknowledged that this is just as complex as it sounds: involving blood vessels, nerves, and chemicals in the brain. Migraines can present with various neurological symptoms such as vision changes, weakness, and speech problems.

    Who is Affected?

    Migraines are more common in females aged 25-55 and can run in families, indicating a genetic component. Hormonal changes, particularly during the menstrual cycle, can also trigger migraines.

    Stages of a Migraine

    Migraines typically progress through four stages:

    1. Prodrome: Occurs hours to days before the migraine. Symptoms include tiredness and yawning.
    2. Aura: Happens 5-60 minutes before the headache. Warning signs include changes in vision, sensory disturbances, speech problems, and weakness.
    3. Headache: Lasts 4-72 hours. Characterized by one-sided throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.
    4. Postdrome: Lasts 24-48 hours. Often described as a “migraine hangover,” it can take a day or two to feel normal again.
    headache migraine

    Common Misconceptions

    Migraines are often misunderstood as just bad headaches. However this is not the case: nor are they a mental health issue, although Dr Kiran pointed out that stress can trigger them, and migraines can affect the mental health of sufferers. Another misconception is around the link to stroke, and Dr Kiran explained that while migraines cannot cause strokes, there is a slight increase in stroke risk for those with migraine with aura, who should be under the care of their GP, as there are some medications they cannot have due to these risks.

    Treatment and Prevention

    Treatment aims to reduce the severity and frequency of migraines. Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen and paracetamol can sometimes help, but overuse can lead to medication-overuse headaches. Prescription medications, such as triptans, are often used for more severe cases.

    Preventative measures include identifying and avoiding triggers, which can be tracked using a migraine diary. Common triggers include lack of sleep, alcohol, caffeine, stress, and certain foods like chocolate. Mindfulness, acupuncture, and vitamin B2 supplements were also recommended preventive treatments that Dr Kiran mentioned.

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    Acupuncture with Shaftesbury Clinic

    If you are interested in exploring acupuncture for migraine, see our link here to our resources page: Migraine – Condition Resources | shaftesburyclinic, as Dr Kiran recommended it, is also good to know there is research evidence to back this up, alongside recognised mechanisms of action as to how acupuncture’s effects are achieved, and those are covered (and fully referenced) on that page.

    You should always go in the first instance to your GP and let them know you’re looking at this approach but we are very happy to liaise with them about your care, and we often receive referrals from medical colleagues (GPs and neurology consultants) for these issues.



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    Fibromyalgia – BBC Morning Live feature

    Dr Punam on BBC Morning Live recommends Acupuncture as part of the strategy for Fibromyalgia symptoms

    Here are the links to the original show: BBC Morning Live Series 6: 13/06/2024 (from 20 to 28 minutes, approximately). Link to the specific 8-minute segment: BBC One – Morning Live, What is fibromyalgia syndrome?

    Understanding Fibromyalgia: Unravelling the Mystery

    Recently, on Morning Live (BBC), Dr Punam shed light on fibromyalgia—a chronic condition that affects countless lives. The show’s presenters emphasized its prevalence, with viewers flooding their social media channels to share their experiences. Among the poignant messages were:

    Amanda – “Professionals have told me it’s in my head or it’s not a real illness!  I lost my job I loved.  I almost lost my home”

    Linda – “No-one believes how much pain you can be in.  it can make you feel down and useless sometimes”

    Sharon – “It is an awful condition in constant pain but because it’s invisible most people don’t understand”

    What is Fibromyalgia?

    Chronic Pain

    Dr. Punam explained that fibromyalgia manifests in various ways: widespread pain, extreme fatigue, and cognitive challenges (commonly referred to as “fibro fog”). Despite affecting approximately one in 20 people, the condition remains enigmatic.

    The underlying mechanism involves altered pain processing in the spinal cord and brain. These individuals have elevated levels of certain pain-signalling chemicals, rendering them hypersensitive to pain.  Dr Punam said “I have patients regularly they’re dealing with shooting pains feeling electric shocks […] you can really imagine having to live with that every day”

    Fibromyalgia can run in families and most commonly impacts people between the ages 25 and 55, but cases have even been seen in children. Triggers include trauma (like car accidents), major life events (such as bereavement), post-viral illnesses, and even childbirth. Yet, we lack a comprehensive understanding of why it occurs.

    The Stigma and Struggle

    Sadly, fibromyalgia sufferers face stigma due to widespread ignorance. Many feel unheard, their symptoms dismissed. As a GP, Dr Punam shared that she empathised deeply because her own mother has battled fibromyalgia for decades, and she spoke of her mother’s transformation from an active woman to one crippled by fatigue and pain. Doctors had dismissed her when tests came back clear, with one claiming “it’s all in your head.”

    “When you have instances like this, the person that’s affected will feel like they are unsupported, it increases isolation, it can even lead to depression”  Dr Punam says, “I think it adds to the general lack of empathy we have in society towards invisible conditions, not just fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune conditions.”  Progress is being made, but there’s still a long road ahead, she reflects.

    The symptoms disrupt lives—people who once held jobs, managed households, and cared for children now feel like shadows of themselves. Diagnosis remains challenging; it’s exclusionary, relying on detailed history, clinical exams, and negative test results.

    Understanding Fibromyalgia Symptoms

    Familiarising ourselves with fibromyalgia symptoms is crucial. Here’s a concise list:

    • Pain sensitivity
    • Muscle Stiffness
    • Fatigue
    • “Fiibro-Fog”
    • Irritable bowel syndrome

    Pain Sensitivity and Muscle Stiffness:

    Fibromyalgia isn’t localized pain; it can affect any part of the body: Individuals become hypersensitive to even the lightest touch.


    This is not a generalised tiredness, it’s a depletion of energy and extreme fatigue. “This is like waking up after hours of sleep and still feeling exhausted” says Dr Punam, and overexertion exacerbates the draining effect.


    1. This cognitive challenge affects memory and concentration.
    2. In the workplace, lack of support can make it particularly difficult.

    Gut Issues:

    1. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is common in fibromyalgia.

    In addition to the above, restless leg syndrome and headaches may also occur.

    Managing Fibromyalgia: Strategies and Support

    According to Dr Punam, while there’s no cure, several approaches can alleviate symptoms and flare-ups:

    1. Heat:
      • Heat helps with stiff joints.
      • Try warm baths, hot water bottles, or soaking hands and feet in warm water.
    2. Pain Relief:
      • Painkillers, both over-the-counter and prescription, can provide relief.
    3. Exercise:
      • Proceed with caution; work within your abilities.
      • Exercise benefits mood, releases endorphins, and improves symptoms.
      • Consult your GP for a referral to specialised exercise guidance.
    4. Talking Therapies:
      • Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) helps manage thought processes.
      • Address issues arising from flare-ups.
    5. Complementary and Integrated Approaches:
      • Acupuncture has shown promise.
      • Yoga and Tai Chi can be beneficial.
    6. Individualized Management:
      • What works varies from person to person.
      • Support from healthcare professionals, family, friends, and colleagues is essential.
    7. Antidepressants:
      • Beyond mood improvement, certain types can manage pain and enhance sleep quality.

    Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Seek support and tailor your management plan to your unique needs.

    Acupuncture with Shaftesbury Clinic

    Adding to the above, where Dr Punam mentioned studies for acupuncture, we have a dedicated page for information and research: Shaftesburyclinic.com Fibromyalgia: Condition Resources which may be of interest. 

    Acupuncture can be a part of your approach to coping with the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and it is always good to have an overall approach that takes into account your individual needs and symptoms.  You should always go in the first instance to your GP or pain consultant, but we are very happy to liaise with them about your care, and we often receive referrals from medical colleagues for chronic pain.

    Also good to note, is that the NHS advisory panel, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence), have recommended acupuncture for chronic pain, as per our blog about this subject here: Shaftesburyclinic.com: acupuncture and chronic primary pain – the new nice draft guidelines  




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