The Traditional Overview of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is multi-faceted, especially when looking at the modern practise of those trained in traditional acupuncture.  Alongside the philosophy and traditional model of health, there is a huge and growing research body showing measurable effects for acupuncture in a number of fields, as well as mechanism of action research involving brain scans and blood tests that show measurable physiological changes coming about directly from the use of acupuncture.  For this side of things, take a look at our research resources.
To be well, we need to be in balance, with our body, mind and emotions. Symptoms, whether physical or emotional, are signals that there is imbalance. Many factors such as stress, anxiety, poor diet, hereditary factors, grief and trauma, can cause imbalance.


Philip and Louise are five element acupuncturists. The philosophy of five element acupuncture emphasises your health needs and focuses on restoring, and maintaining good health and balance for you as an individual.

In the philosophy of five element acupuncture, each one of us can fall into imbalance in times of stress and illness. We use the traditional Chinese style to diagnose the primary imbalance and work to correct this, and bring you back into balance.  The three-year degree level training of our acupuncturists encompasses research and western physiology and anatomy, an understanding of the western disease model and the ability to recognise when a condition or symptoms needs urgent medical care.

Using fine needles, acupuncture points are stimulated, the way in which this is seen in the traditional sense is to enable the body’s own healing abilities to restore natural balance. Chinese traditional medicine doesn’t differentiate between physical and emotional or mental health problems in the same way as western medicine does, rather these are seen as manifestations of the person and body as a whole.  Five element acupuncture also looks in this holistic way, in the context of the person’s environment, experiences and so on, and also holds in mind goals the patient may have in developing their potential and wellbeing alongside health goals and symptomatic issues.